The effects of phosphorus application (KH2PO4) levels 0 mg P/kg
(P0), 10 mg (P10), 20 mg (P20) and 100 mg P/kg (P100)on leaves development
and amino acids concentrations in two cultivars of soybean under two soil
moisture regimes: control as normal irrigation, 70% of water holding capacity
(WHC) and moderate stress (35% WHC) were studied. Plants were subjected to
water deficit conditions at flowering stage for two weeks. Leaves area and
amino acids concentrations in leaves were measured in relation to P nutrition.
Plant performance of Licurici was better than Zodiac under P deficiency (P0)
and low P (P10) supply. Leaves growth of both soybean cultivars was
significantly reduced when the soil moisture content was decreased from 70%
to 35% WHC. The highest leaf area and dry matter accumulation by leaves was
found in the treatment with 100 mg kg-1 of P application. The same trend of P
supplementation influence was denoted in plants subjected to drought stress,
but to a lesser extent than in well-watered plants. Total soluble amino acids
concentrations in leaves rose under temporary drought irrespective of P
nutrition levels. Cultivar Zodiac displayed higher response in amino acids
accumulation at suboptimal moisture regime. Hence, the adequate P
fertilization improved the ability of soybean plants to tolerate drought stress.