The investigation conducted in the Avereşti vine-growing centre of the Huşi
vineyard had as purpose the increase of yield quality in Fetească albă and Fetească regală
varieties, through the optimization of the canopy parameters. The bud-load, which determined
the optimal valorization of the biological potential in the two varieties (20.8 buds/vine), has
developed 3.64 m2/vine foliar excess, in the Fetească albă variety, and 3.48 m2/vine foliar
excess, in the Fetească regală variety. The regression coefficient showed that 1 m2 foliar
excess determined the diminution in the sugar content from the grape-must with 4.5 – 21.5 g/l
at the Fetească albă variety, and 5.6 – 65.2 g/l at the Fetească regală variety. The maximum
sugar content of the grape-must was realized with 3.86 m2 total foliar surface/vine at the
Fetească albă variety and 4.5 m2 total foliar surface, at the Fetească regală variety. The
increase of the foliar excess with 1 m2 determined the growth of the acidity with 0.1 – 0.6 g/l
H2SO4 at the Fetească albă variety, and 0.2 – 2.3 g/l H2SO4 at the Fetească regală variety. At
Fetească regală variety, the increase in the canopy thickness with 8.07% has determined the
growth of the grape-must acidity with 10.7%.