Wine color standardization is a difficult but important problem can be solved by proper quantification of important
issues, from the conditions of cultivation of vines and ending with way of selling the wine. In this study we have
applied multiple regression analysis to achieve mathematical models to assess the CIE Lab parameters - 76 of wines
based on chromatic parameters, total phenolic content and anthocyanins of musts, which are well known and easy to
calculate. All these variables were measured at 13 rosé wines obtained by prefermentative maceration technology of
two red grape varieties Băbească neagră şi Fetească neagră. We obtained two mathematical models for predicting the
CIE Lab - 76 parameters that have small standard errors, first using only the L, a, b, C, H° parameters as independent
variables, and the second using the total phenolic and anthocyanin content values determined by spectrophotometry.
These models can be useful in wineries, especially in moments during winemaking, specifically to achieve rosé and red
wines to determine the optimal timing of closing of the grape prefermentative maceration or maceration-fermentation
process, resulting less technology interventions and ensure wines colour constancy from year to year.