The main objective of microcrediting in rural areas is to alleviate rural poverty in order to finance the farm and
investments in non farm activities, the raise of the rural incomes, raise of the economic activity efficiency in rural areas.
All these are leading to rural economic growth and raising the rural employment by bussineses sustained with
investment capital b the financial sector whose presence is becoming more pregnant. Another problem is the lack of
finance on long term and the lack of the financing capacity of the microfinance institutions. The authorities must to
develop an efficient system of warrant receipts, to sthrenght the outreach, the efficency and sustenability of the non
financial institutions and helping the small entrepreneurs and smll frmers in loan application and business plans. There is
neccessary the strenghting of the financial institution capabilities to serve the mall clients, the expanding of the network
in remote rural areas, financing in order to rise the rural sustainable activities, but also the growth of the efficiency and
the atractiviness for foreign investors for new opportunities for all the financial institutions, and to assure the finance for
economic activities on long term in competitive terms.