Beba Veche is a locality in Timiş County. Its coordinates in what latitude is concerned are 46° 7' 60 north, 20° 19' east.
It lies 81 m above sea level. It is the most western locality in Romania, situated at the border with Serbia and Hungary.
The archaeological discoveries made here attest the millenary existence of the locality.
The agricultural land of the commune is composed of the following: arable 7.767 ha, pastures 976 ha, hay land
3 ha, vineyard 16 ha and orchard 30 ha. As for the fertility classes, for the "arable" land the situation is the following:
1st class 804 ha (9.3%), 2nd class 2193 ha (25.5%), 3rd class 2755 ha (31.9%), 4th class 2777 ha (32.2%) and 5th class
98 ha (1.1%). The limiting factors that influence land quality in this area are represented by the phenomenon of severe
salinization (salinization on 6.3% and alkalisation on 34.5% of the surface), low humus content (0.82%), clayish texture
(moderate 48.3% and low 11.20%) and soil settlement (severe 17.61% and moderate 42.13%). Because of the nature
and intensity of the factors that limit and/or restrict agricultural yield, improvement of the productive capacity of soils
will be oriented towards promoting and generalizing systems of sustainable agriculture. This type of agriculture
promoted will be competitive, profitable, ecological and it will involve minimal land works, soil improvement crops,
pest control, based on various individual initiatives or international or governmental programs of technical assistance.