Agriculture is a branch with huge potential in Romanian economy. Its reorganization along with EU integration requires
a series of actions in sense of modernization and production increase. Romania has a privileged position from point of
view of agricultural resources. Arable land represents 39.5% of the total area and only five other countries in the world
have a more comfortable position than that of our country. European funds that can be drawn by the Common
Agricultural Policy - approximately 7.5 billion euros during 2007-2013, contribute to agricultural potential improvment.
Full exploatation of the advantages of integration into the European Union could open new opportunities for Romanian
farmers who can supply a population exceeding 80 million inhabitants. In conditions of a better absorption of EU funds
with direct significant investment and with an appropriate government support, the productive potential of agriculture
substantially increase. Agricultural Consulting Service has a significant role in agriculture modernizing through
qualification and training activities for farmers, disseminating information on funds that can be accessed and news in
the field, also can meet the claim of farmers, setting with these the sell strategies for marketing of products.