The level of nutrients of the food products generates the quality of
them and the essential methode for the rezolving of the consummer’s. The
study of the researching welcome of the actual tendency by the
supplementing of the processing food.
The quality of food products is a means used for a certain purpose,
according to which a company or an economic agent exists on the market
and it can remain competitive continuously although it develops in a
changing environment.
In this context, the quality through its capacity to stimulate the
company not only from inside but also from outside and the importance given
to the functioning in a network(interpersonal organizational cooperation)
may contribute to the identification of some favorable industrial niches, to
the formation of some synergy –sustained structures, to the development of
innovation (facilitating the implementation of innovations in the products
used and marketed/merchandised), to the promotion of new technologies and
to the introduction of the informative IT type systems.
Besides the scientific research, the innovation program consists of a
series of projects which promote the innovative management techniques
which need an integrated approach similar to the general strategy of the