The experiment carried out during 2005-2008, was located in the East
part of Romania, (47o
07` N, 27o
30` E), on a cambic chernozem with a clayloamy texture and 2.7 % humus content and a medium level of fertilization.
The experimental site has an annual average temperature of 9.40C and
precipitation of 587 mm. The experimental design was in a “split plots
design” with three replicates. Plots covered area of 60 m2
, in a rotation of
soybean, winter wheat and maize, with the current experiment in winter
wheat. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of
conventional and minimum tillage systems (disk harrow, paraplow and
chisel) on soil aggregate distribution, mean weight diameter (MWD) and
water stable aggregates (WSA) in the area of the Moldovian Plateau. As
regards the water stable aggregates (WSA) at the harvesting time, we had the
biggest average value at the chisel + rotary harrow variant (80.43 %) and
the smallest one at disk harrow treatment (76.51 %).