Tomatoes are the most important vegetable species, both în the world
and in our country. In the last decades, the breeders have obtained hundreds of
cultivars (open pollinated and hybrids) for growing in open field, plastic tunnels
or glasshouse. In 1975-1990 period, at Research Institute for Vegetables and
Flowers Growing were drawn up breeding teams that have achieved some new
valuable cultivars. After 1990 year, breeding activity were decresed and only
stayed at Research Station for Vegetable Buzău. Breeders of this station have
obtained new outstanding cultivars with high yielding potential and good
quality. For the future, it is necessary to form new teams well prepared and
should more funds, with clear objectives in order to obtain new required
cultivars for growers and consumers.The new cultivars have to be more
resistent pathogens and adverse environmental conditions.