The work aims to be a true guide to relieve aspects referring to APIA
Suceava on the efficiency and improving the human resources quality by a
detailed analysis of the perspective of future possibilities.
Implementing an efficient management in the system of public
administration acquires major values, since this will lead to professionalizing
the developed activities in the public administration authorities, at changing
the values and way of action of the public personnel, at developing some
managerial conceptions characteristic of modern public administration. In
this context in the paper was made an ample analysis in integrity way of the
human resources management, as a result of which the problems have been
highlighted and made concrete proposals, reasons for implementing and
development of this in the public service.
The financial aid granted to the farmers under the form of the unique
payment scheme, both under the form of the historic model and of the
regionalized one, is based in a greater or less measure on a past reference
period (in present established to be between 2000 – 2008). Therefore is
intended the update of this to take into account the changes produced
meantime in the European agricultural landscape. For the new member
states which applies the unique payment scheme on surface, (including
Romania) is foreseen the possibility to apply this simplified system and after