Generally, the advertisements use persuasion to make the consumers buy products, regardless of their necessities. The
advertisements for beer are no exception, too. This paper follows the advertising tendencies in Italy and Romania. Thus,
we focused on a comparative study of a corpus of thirty slogans, half Italian, half Romanian, both stylistically and
syntactically. After a thorough examination, we could identify the common traits used in drawing the target group of
consumers, such as the presentation of century-old tradition of brewing to offer prestige or the inherent connection
between beer and spending leisure time with friends. There were especially pointed out the features that make some
slogans unique and which define the two nations. The slogans revealed collective character traits, such as the
weaknesses of the Italians towards women and the Romanians’ attachment to nature. From a syntactic point of view,
both in Italian and Romanian ads, the short, concise sentences, made up of no more than six words prevail.