Honey bees are used in
intensive way in agriculture due to their
vital role in pollination of crops. Moreover,
there are many valuable products from the
bee colonies. Unfortunately, there are many
enemies to honey bees. These enemies
belong to various taxonomic ranks,
including birds, insects and mites. Serious
damages can be caused to honey bee
colonies by these enemies. The
sophisticated evolutionary relationships
between honey bees and their enemies are
not well investigated. In this study,
phylogenetic trees between honey bees and
their enemies were constructed based on the
mtDNA and the COX1. The constructed
trees reflected the evolutionary relationships
according to behavior and taxonomical
characters based on mtDNA and COX1,
respectively. Predators, cavity-nesting bees,
and parasites were separated than each other
based on the first 1000 bases of the mtDNA.
Insects were separated than mites and birds,
in line with the classification of each
organism based on the COX1.