Meadows differ from one another depending on static conditions and productivity. The purpose of this research is to
assess the state of the biodiversity and pastoral value for grasslands from the Transylvanian Plateau area. Also, there has
been analyzed the floristic composition and a series of ecological indexes, respectively humidity, soil reaction,
temperature and nitrogen. Other aspects taken in account were the agronomical and anthropogenic specters. The
analyzed grasslands are placed in the perimeter of Gheorgheni village, from Cluj County. Experience includes 16
experimental variants with organic fertilization with slurry, 4 variants in 4 rehearsals. Each experimental variant is 2 m
long X 5 m wide. In most hill meadows the economic efficiency is relatively low, and in order to be increased, it is
necessary to apply the whole complex of measures for their improvement, care and exploitation, of which a special role
is the application of appropriate treatments that stimulate the development of valuable species.